上皮-間質轉化(EMT)與晝夜節律基因 Period2(PER2)在上皮卵巢癌(OC)之雙向調控 Bi-directional regulation between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and circadian gene Period2...
發展以次世代定序法為基礎的肺癌體細胞突變新抗原偵測平台 Development of a NGS-based screening panel for somatic mutation-derived neoantigens in lung cancer Based on the in...
金屬奈米孔洞碳材之合成及應用於高效5-羥甲基糠醛(HMF)到2,5-呋喃二甲酸 (FDCA)綠色轉化製程之開發 Synthesis of Metal-loaded Nanoporous Carbon for Efficient Transfer Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymeth...
探索鞘脂及內源性大麻素在細胞自噬及神經退化性疾病中所扮演的角色 Deciphering the role of lipid mediators in autophagy and neurodegeneration 計畫主持人:臺大生理所-詹智強、中研院生化所-楊維元 ...
開發運用人工智慧篩選可降解新興環境有機污染物如阻燃劑微生物之新穎技術 Develop a novel methodology to screen microbial degraders for emerging contaminants such as flame retardants by ar...
帶正電有機鋁錯合物在不對稱催化與二氧化碳活化的應用 Aluminum Cation Superacid for Asymmetric Catalysis and CO2 Activation 計畫主持人:臺大化學系-邱靜雯、中研院化學所-陳榮傑 ...
二維度電子元件的製備與特性鑑定 Fabrication and characterization of two dimensional electronic devices 計畫主持人:臺大光電創新中心-陳奕君、中研院物理所-李偉立 Ti...
川崎症及冠狀動脈病變之B細胞免疫力致病機轉及微菌叢研究 Immunopathogenesis of B cells and microbiota profiles associated with Kawasaki disease and coronary arterial dilation ...
以微流道整合表面電漿子共振晶片開發微型聚合酶鏈鎖反應高通量快速檢驗裝置 Development of microscale PCR high-throughput rapid test device by integrating microfluidic and surface plasma re...
創新穩定蛋白之小分子並用於探討龐貝氏症的治療效果 Discovery of novel protein stabilizers: Study of their efficacy toward Pompe disease 計畫主持人:臺大醫學系-胡務亮、中研院基因體中心-鄭...
阿茲海默氏病患者腦萃取物衍生之乙型類澱粉蛋白寡聚體擴增與結構鑑定 Amplification and Structural Characterization of Beta Amyloid Oligomers Derived from Brain Extracts of Alzheimer&rsq...
多重尺度環境變遷對臺灣沿岸魚類洄游與分布組成研究與應用 Multiscale Environmental Changes for Anchovy Migration and Larval Distributions and Assemblages in the Coastal Waters of ...
壓電刺激在神經調節之研究 Investigation of piezoelectric stimulation for neuromodulation 計畫主持人:臺大醫工系-王兆麟、中研院生醫所-陳志成 本研究探討壓電特性在生理上所扮演的角色,...
建立細胞模仿平台:由下而上策略逐步重建仿生細胞之不對稱分裂 Towards artificial cell differentiation: bottom-up approach for reconstituting asymmetric division 計畫主持人:臺...
鑑古知今:以雨水及鐘乳石氧同位素數值重建東南亞季風變化 From the past to the future: Reconciling rain-water and speleothem δ18O to reconstruct the southeast Asian monsoon ...
以小鼠模型發展思覺失調症的新治療靶點和治療藥物 Identifying new therapeutic targets and a new class of compounds for the treatment of schizophrenia in the mouse models of sc...
性別化的社會網絡與身心福祉:多元交織性的研究取徑 Gendering social networks and individual wellbeing: An intersectionality approach 本計畫旨在比較性別角色與健康不平等、社會網絡不平等的關聯,...
運用多維體學策略來解析環境微生物與有機污染物如阻燃劑之動態降解機制 Study environmental microbiology by using multi-OMICS approaches: characterization of microbial degradation mechani...
產生和探測手徵性奈米磁性結構 Generation and detection of chiral magnetic nanostructures Spintronic devices based on ferromagnetic materi...
探討噬脂作用:從機轉到神經退行性疾病 Targeting lipophagy: from mechanism to neurodegeneration Our goals are to address 1. Why neuronal lipophagy, the sele...
以超高解析顯微鏡與光蛋白質體學探討免疫突觸於T細胞抗腫瘤免疫之角色 Superresolution imaging and optoproteomics of immunological synapses to decipher their role in T cell-based antitum...
植物基因表達的染色質調控機制之交互作用功能性研究 Functional interplay between machineries regulating plant gene expression at the chromatin level 此合作研究探討植物基因表達的...
應用地磁場與超導體的電磁力推進原理與系統之研發 Development of magnetic propulsion using geomagnetic fields and superconductors and demonstration by an innovative sensor for...
以生肽共軛修飾之脂雙層基質進行磷酸鈣二維生物材料之鉅觀與奈米尺度操控 2D biomaterials of Calcium Phosphate Nanocomposite with control macro and nanoscale morphology via Peptide Conjuga...
端粒RNA 與CST 蛋白體的交互作用來調控端粒的完整性 TERRA-CST interaction in regulating telomere integrity The discovery of massive transcription of large RNA ...
基於多感測器之生醫訊號收集及加密演算法開發 Multi-sensors-based biomedical data collection and encryption For speech-related applications in Internet of thing...
環狀掌性三配位硼陽離子之合成與不對稱催化反應 Cyclic Chiral Borenium Cations: Synthesis and Asymmetric Catalysis With the intrinsic high Lewis acidity of tri-c...
開發具轉移型腫瘤靶向性之近紅外光長餘輝奈米材料用於肺癌化療 Development of Metastatic Tumor-Targeting NIR Persistent Luminescence Nanomaterials to Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer ...
結合計算與實驗策略探索線蟲個體間發育之異質性 Exploring Developmental Heterogeneity in C. elegans using both computational and experimental strategies ...
跨尺度評估森林可攔截霧水對於台灣山區霧林生態的影響 Synoptic assessments of the influences of interceptable fog water to montane cloud forest ecosystems of Taiwan ...
以外覆生物膜之奈米載體發展抗流感病毒之藥物與疫苗 Biomembrane cloaked nanoparticles for anti-influenza drug delivery and vaccination The objective of the present propo...
藉由調控熱休克蛋白MRJ之多聚腺苷酸化機制來發展全方位抗病毒策略 Study of alternative polyadenylation as a regulatory mechanism of mammalian DnaJ (MRJ) and development of a broad-sp...
高溫超導動物腦磁儀系統開發 Development of High-Tc Superconducting Magnetoencephalography System for Animals In this project, high-Tc Superc...
探索社會網絡的傳播效益與功能在傳染病防疫與慢性病防治之差異模式 An experimental desgin for exploring the function and benefit of social network on the spread of health behavior: the...
DNA/ RNA雜交體 (R-loops)於端粒重組和複製壓力的角色 Role for DNA/RNA hybrids (R-loops) in telomere recombination and transcription-induced replication stress  ...
運用創新心理與遺傳因素來預測與預防自殺行為 Innovative approaches to better prediction and prevention of suicidal behavior based on psychological and epi-/genetic factors ...
利用全基因體DNA甲基化與轉錄體解析類3號DNA甲基化酶(DNMT3L)對前精原細胞中DNA甲基化之調控 The impact of DNMT3L in the dynamics of genome wide DNA methylation in the prenatal germline ...
探討神經元與星狀細胞在調控亨丁頓舞蹈症腦內腺嘌呤核苷酸所扮演之角色 The roles of neurons and astrocytes in the modulation of adenosine and adenine nucleotides in the brain of Huntingt...
藉CLEC5a及共生微生物群調控先天免疫記憶 Regulation of innate immune memory by CLEC5a and microbiota Innate immune memory is a newly identified immune machinery...
二維原子層材料在光觸媒之基礎研究及應用 Two-dimensional atomic layer materials for photocatalysts: fundamental and applications. Artificial photos...
研發整合微流道系統之超高解析度顯微鏡進行細胞主纖毛之力學與化學刺激反應研究 Determining mechanical and chemical stimulation responses of primary cilia with an integrated microfluidics-sup...
發展早期肺腺癌復發標記與尋找樹幹異物抗原 Development of biomarkers for predicting recurrence and identification of clonal neoantigens in early lung adenocarcinoma &nb...
TDP-43蛋白片段寡聚物之生化及生醫研究 Oligomeric Aggregates from TDP-43 Fragments for Biochemical and Biomedical Studies Amyloidogenesis in ti...
逆襲健康資源分配的不平等:社會網絡與地理資訊系統的進擊 (左圖為研究助理至家戶進行施測;右圖為當地報紙剪報) 全球化的發展,儘管促進了科技與經濟的發展,卻也深化了各區域之間的貧富不均與城鄉差距,進而引發許多關於健康與社會資源分配的討論。其中,健康與醫療資源的分配更是國內一個重要且迫切...
東沙珊瑚礁生物地球化學記錄與環境條件對比研究:重建人類活動在南海的影響 Comparative study between the biogeochemical records in Dongsha coral reef and environmental factors: Reconstruct...
探討慢性疼痛神經傳導在視丘以及大腦皮質連結之功能及型態 Cell-type specific structural and functional studies of MD-InC thalamocortical neurons in neuropathic pain 慢...
以hTERT基因探討DNA甲基化與G-quadruplex之交互影響基因表現機制 Investigate the biological effect of DNA methylation on G-quadruplex of hTERT gene DNA甲基化(methy...
C4與C3植物維管束鞘細胞及葉肉細胞發育之不同 Differences in bundle sheath and mesophyll cell development between C4 and C3 plants 在這個研究中我們建立了一套研究特定組織功能之系統,其中...
肝病奈米組合藥物研發 Combination Nanotherapy of Liver Diseases B型肝炎病毒(HBV)在感染人類的病原之中佔大宗。在本次實驗中,我們發現到在HBV表現的細胞中有兩個微小核醣核酸(micro-RNA; miR): miR-204及miR-1236的表現...
鑑定克雷伯氏菌引發的‘嗜中性球胞外捕捉’及肝膿瘍的分子機制 Identification of the molecular mechanism of Klebsiella pneumoniae NTUH K2044-induced NETs formation and li...
發展針對阿茲海默症中乙形類澱粉蛋白寡聚體之新穎小分子抑制物及核磁影像探針 Development of Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors and MRI Probes Targeting Alzheimer’s Amyloid-β Oligome...
以化學光遺傳小鼠模式探討止癢產生愉悅感的大腦神經基礎與酬賞機制神經迴路 Neurobiological basis of rewarding circuitry involved in itch relief-induced pleasure: a chemo-optogenetic approa...
建立分析膜蛋白的仿生膜檢測平台 Using 1-D Spatially Resolved Silicon-Nanowire-Field-Effect-Transistor (SiNW-FET) Platform to Characterize Cell Membrane Proteins in T...
泛素化於溶小體功能與品管的影響 Selective ubiquitination in lysophagy, lysosome maintenance, and lysosomal disorders 計畫成果摘要 泛素化被認為是控制受質被細胞自噬分解的關鍵。我們在先前...
發展催化劑能在常溫常壓下有效能地轉換甲烷至甲醇 Develop a catalyst for catalytic conversion of methane into methanol efficiently under ambient conditions The conversion o...
室溫量子自旋電子與聲子的媒合 Marriage of quantum spintronics and phononics at room temperature In this project, we have ultilized the various techniques and exp...