上皮-間質轉化(EMT)與晝夜節律基因 Period2(PER2)在上皮卵巢癌(OC)之雙向調控
Bi-directional regulation between epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and circadian gene Period2 (PER2) in epithelial ovarian cancer (OC)
Recent evidence has shown that circadian disruption and clock gene dysregulation promote tumorigenesis and cancer progression. How circadian gene dysregulation contributes to ovarian cancer (OC) progression within the context of molecular heterogeneity remain elusive. We leveraged on the database ‘CSIOVDB’ (http://csiovdb.mc.ntu.edu.tw/CSIOVDB.html) to identify genes and pathways that exhibit gene-expression based molecular subtypes (GEMS)-specific survival differences. Our analysis showed that the circadian gene Period 2 (PER2) was the only core clock gene displaying highly significant differential expression among OC GEMS. PER2 gene expression is significantly downregulated in ovarian tumors compared to normal ovarian surface epithelial tissue and negatively correlated with the OC grade. OC patients with high PER2 level (upper 25%, Q4) had better overall survival compared to the patients with low PER2 level (lower 25%, Q1). These results suggest that PER2 expression may be critical to prevent cancer progression in OSE cells.
Interestingly, high PER2 expression was significantly associated with better disease-free and overall survival within the Epi-A subgroup but not the other subgroups. Our data thus far indicates that the alternative enhancer usage can control PER2 transcription resulting in EMT in the Epi-A subtype of OC cells. PER2 depletion did not have significant effect on cell proliferation. Instead, tumorigenic potential including anchorage independent growth, invasion and migration ability was significantly elevated upon PER2 down regulation. These findings suggested that PER2 acts as a tumor suppressor in phenotypically normal OSE cells and regulates EMT in the Epi-A subgroup OC cells.
Collectively, our data thus far is pointing to a unique tissue context of PER2 regulation in EMT. This opens a new dimension in how genomic regions similar to the PER2 enhancers might control the execution of EMT via the genome organization. Additional cell-based assays, molecular analysis and mouse model or clinical analysis confirming the key regulatory mechanisms of PER2 within the context of OC are under way. Results from these experiments will be a breakthrough in both circadian biology and cancer research fields.