From the past to the future: Reconciling rain-water and speleothem δ18O to reconstruct the southeast Asian monsoon
The results from the project period 2021-2022 can be divided into two parts. Our first result concerns the collection and analysis of rainwater isotopes in precipitation collected at Krabi Airport in southern Thailand. In collaboration with researchers and airport personnel we have now collected a unique record of daily resolved isotopic data. In short, our data demonstrate that oxygen and hydrogen isotope variations on a daily basis are controlled by variations in local convection. More interestingly, however, is that we can show that isotopic variations are closely tied to a third monsoon phase, the fall monsoon. This suggests that paleorecords from speleothems or compound specific isotopes in leaf waxes should be interpreted primarily as a shift in the relative strength of the fall monsoon, rather than in precipitation amount, as previously thought.
The second part of our project has focused on how variations in rain amount and isotopic composition are reflected in speleothems in caves from the Phang Nga and Krabi provinces in southwestern Thailand. We now have automatic samplers installed both outside and inside the caves (Figure 1) and the first water samples have been analyzed at Academia Sinica. Unfortunately, this part of the project has suffered serious delays because of covid-19 restrictions and because of machine failure. However, we now have established an efficient collaboration with local collaborators and expect routine analysis and interpretations to start during spring and summer 2023.

Figure 1. Automatic water samplers installed in Tham Murd in northern Krabi Province.
圖一:設置於泰國喀比區域北部Tham Murd洞穴中的自動水樣採集器。