Two-dimensional atomic layer materials for photocatalysts: fundamental and applications.
Artificial photosynthesis is one of future energy sources, which promise an environmental friendly alternative to global fuels. In one of the processes, photocatalysts can directly harvest energy from solar light and simultaneously decompose water to produce hydrogen. Since the discovery of graphene, two-dimensional (2D) layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), such as MoS2, and metal sulfides nanostructures are playing an important role in catalysis due to their wide range of optical and electronic properties. Moreover, the high surface area and low charge recombination characteristics of 2D materials can enhance the photocatalyst activity. In this project, we investigate the catalytic mechanism and design efficient charge separation routes in the energy conversion devices. Several atomic layer materials have been fabricated, such as graphene, MoS2 and titania nanosheets, in this study. We control the quality and morphology of these materials, for example, millimeter-size MoS2 monolayers and MoS2 islands with high-density surface steps. We design an on-chip electrochemical measurement of the atomic layer materials, in which graphene atomic layer is used to form a van der Waals heterojunction structure with MoS2 atomic layers, in order to reduce the contact resistance; besides, exerting the field effect on the graphene layer can effectively reduce the Schottky junction barrier at the contact for improving the efficiency of carrier flow. Both designs are proved to be useful for the measurement for the electrochemical hydrogen production. Such a device can be further incorporated with optical illumination for investigating the photocatalytic reactions of atomic layer materials. In-situ probing, e.g. Raman spectroscopy, of the atomic layer materials during photocatalytic reactions can also provide spatially resolved information. The developed in-situ observation method in this study is useful for understanding the energy conversion routes in these novel 2D materials. Novel atomic layer photocatalytic heterostructures for efficient solar-to-fuel conversion can therefore be designed based on our finding of the fundamental mechanism.

Fig. Single atomic flake MoS2 photoelectrochemistry