Development of a NGS-based screening panel for somatic mutation-derived neoantigens in lung cancer

Based on the information for public database with somatic and germline mutations, a panel was designed to detect mutant gene expression in transcriptome level. Detected mutant expressions can be further used to predict neoantigen. In this study, a in-house designed NGS panel was tested in 30 cell lines first. It showed high detection performance and stability. This panel was further evaluated in 40 clinical cancer tissues and also showed good performance for mutant expressions. As shown in the figure, high diversity of mutant expressions was found in clinical cancer tissues. Based on detected mutant expressions, it can be used to predict neoantigens and applied in into cancer immune-therapies.

經由擷取許多體細胞變異和先天變異資料庫數據,能設計轉錄體基因突變量偵測平台,此平台能用來偵測癌細胞突變基因表達量的多寡,進一步可以進行新抗原預測,以提供癌症免疫治療的發展。本平台結果經由30 癌細胞株測試,顯示其偵測突變基因轉錄體表達能力,且有穩定的平台偵測率。接著將此平台應用於40例臨床肺癌檢體組織,亦能有效偵測突變基因轉錄體表達,如圖示所呈現,臨床檢體的基因突變表達具有相當大的異質性。此偵測到有轉錄體表達的基因突變,能用來進行新抗原預測,並應用於癌症免疫治療。