



From the past to the future: Reconciling rain-water and speleothem δ18O to reconstruct the southeast Asian monsoon


國立臺灣大學地質系 Ludvig Löwemark(施路易) 教授
中央研究院地球所 梁茂昌 研究員


計畫執行期間:2021.1.1 – 2022.12.31




Research results related to the project after 2022


During 2023 and 2024 we have continued to work on the data gathered during the main phase of the project. The monitoring stations installed in Thailand continue to deliver rain and cave drip-water samples that are being shipped to Academia Sinica for analysis.


During the time after closing the project, we have organized two international symposia in Taiwan addressing different aspects of the SE Asian climate system on time scales ranging from geological to historical. The results from the project have been presented at international conferences, and we have already published three articles dealing with SE Asian paleoclimate, one further manuscript is in the final stages of preparation, and several more are in the pipeline.


Workshops organized in Taiwan


Research Symposium: Paleoclimate Records in Shallow Marine Strata (PRISMS), NTU Geosciences, Taiwan, February 14th (2024)


Research Symposium: Thailand Paleoclimate, NTU Geosciences, Taiwan, June 13th (2023)


Published articles related to the project (2023-2024)


Rahman, A., Chang, W.-C., Kashima, K., Fukumoto, Y., Huang, J.-J.S., Löwemark, L., Wang, L.-C., Chang, Y.-P., 2024. Late Holocene paleoclimate reconstruction of northern Taiwan using a multiproxy approach in the Dream Lake sediment core  Quaternary International.


Hassan, N., *Löwemark, L., Liao, A.C.-Y., 2024. Investigating the impact of sample desiccation on Itrax XRF core scanner signal reproducibility. Island Arc 33.


¥Lin, T.-W., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Bahr, A., Yamoah, K.A., Su, C.-C., Wang, L.-C., Wang, P.-L., *Löwemark, L., 2023. Disentangling the impact of anthropogenic and natural processes on the environmental stability in a subtropical subalpine lake catchment in northeastern Taiwan over the past 200 years. Science of the Total Environment 886, 1-11.



*corresponding author


¥supervised student


Manuscripts in preparation


Oza, H., Löwemark, L., Chabangborn, A., Chawchai, S., Duerrast, H., Liang, M.-C., Madhavan, M., Wang, C.-H., submitted. A 10-year, daily resolved d18O precipitation record from Krabi, Thailand: atmospheric controls and implications for paleoclimatic studies.


Conference contributions


Kontsevich, G. and Löwemark, L.: Using IMERG precipitation patterns to index climate at the mesoscale: A basis rotation method based on climate bistability – an update, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-4507, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-4507, 2024.



Oza, H., Löwemark, L., Kontsevich, G., Jirapinyakul, A., Chawchai, S., Duerrast, H., Liang, M.-C., Madhavan, M., and Wang, C.-H.: Decade-Long Isotopic Analysis (18O & 2H) of Daily Precipitation in the Malaya Peninsula: Understanding the Complex Hydrometeorology, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-17899, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-17899, 2024.



Löwemark, L., Hsu, K-Y., Li, H-C., Liao, A.C-Y, Burr, G., Su, C-C., Wang, P-L., Lin, T-W., Yamoah, K., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Bahr, A., 2024. How lake succession influences paleoclimate records in small, subtropical high-mountain lakes. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. Gothenburg, Sweden 10-12 January