2014 Symposium on Atomic and Molecular Sciences

3 11 月




This is a symposium hosted by the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences to discuss the latest development in the following fields: “Advanced Materials and Surface Science”, “Atomic Physics and Optical Science”, “Biophysics and Bioanalytical Technology” and “Chemical Dynamics and Spectroscopy”.


日期 Date: 2014-11-11  09:00-18:00

活動地點 Venue 原分所浦大邦講堂(台大校園內) Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, IAMS (NTU Campus)

主/協辦單位 Organizer 中研院 原子與分子科學研究所 Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica



The invited speakers include three Nobel Laureates: William E. Moerner (2014 Chemistry, Stanford University), Yuan T. Lee (1986 Chemistry, Academia Sinica), and William D. Philliips (1997 Physics, NIST). Other speakers will be: Robert Austin (Princeton University), Joel Bowman (Emory University), David S. Ginley (NREL), Paul Weiss (UCLA), and Edward Yeung (Iowa State University). The topics to be covered include the interfaces between chemistry, physics, materials science, and biology. More information will be available at https://www.iams.sinica.edu.tw/sams2014/. The registration deadline will be November 7.