中央研究院 核心設施推廣說明會

15 3 月



  • 日期:108年3月20日(星期三)
  • 地點:中央研究院 基因體研究中心 1樓演講廳
  • 報名網址:https://bit.ly/2T1nJmU


※ 107年9月20日所舉辦之第1場次錄影影片可於以下網址瀏覽:http://app.sinica.edu.tw/videosrv/?cat=156

Core Facilities Day Seminar

To promote awareness of Academia Sinica’s core facilities and highlight high-quality research services on campus, we invite all colleagues to attend Core Facilities Day Seminar. Representatives from 10 of the 19 core facilities will each give a short talk describing the services they offer, and guidelines or directions regarding how to access these services. Poster describing the services they offer will also be presented.  We believe this would be a wonderful way to raise awareness about our core facilities and set the stage for face-to-face interaction and greater collaboration. Since most core facilities also offer services to extramural users, scholars who are interested in enlisted core facilities are welcome to participate.

  • Date: March 20, 2109
  • Venue: 1F auditorium, Genomic Research Center, Academia Sinica
  • Registration: https://bit.ly/2T1nJmU
  • Guidance Committee: Management Committee for Core Facilities and High-Value Instruments
  • Organizer: Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service, Central Administration Office